
Monday, March 2, 2009

Barak Wants to Join Netanyahu?

Okay, this strikes me as a very strange development. Since the election Ehud Barak has been insisting that the way to rebuild Labor is in opposition, but now that Kadima is likely to lead the opposition, he may be urging Labor to join in a coalition with Likud? It's late right now and this strikes me as very odd indeed, and I'll post more on it.

Let me add that as of right now (a little after midnight Sunday/Monday Washington time) neither the Haaretz nor Ynet (Yediot Aharonot) websites seem to have this story; it's a Jerusalem Post exclusive at least for now.

We've got a snowstorm tonight and the schools will be closed tomorrow so I'll likely be working from home, which may actually give me a bit more time to blog. We'll see.

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