
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bashir's Trip to Eritrea

Sudanese President 'Umar al-Bashir's one-day trip to Eritrea would normally be a yawn-inducing affair, but it is his first trip outside Sudan since the International Criminal Court issued a warrant for his arrest, and thus an act of defiance.

It also focuses attention on the question of whether he will go to Doha March 30 for the Arab Summit there. He has previously indicated that he would, but then a senior council of Sudanese 'ulama issued a ruling saying that he should not leave the country with the indictment against him. The trip to Asmara would seem to indicate that he doesn't intend to be bound by the clerical ruling, but it still could give him cover if he thinks Doha might be too provocative a venue for him to show up.

I'm waiting for the Labor Party vote before posting more today.

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