
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Well, He Won't Be Abba Eban . . .

Here's a piece in Haaretz about the Egyptian Ambassador to Israel's reaction to the probability that Avigdor Lieberman will be Israel's next Foreign Minister. It seems Lieberman has said that Husni Mubarak can "go to hell" and once suggested bombing the Aswan Dam, which might be interpreted as undiplomatic remarks about a country with which Israel has a peace treaty. The Ambassador is quoted as being diplomatic: we'll judge by actions, not by past statements.

Lieberman in the government will be provocative enough, but Lieberman as Foreign Minister could turn out to be downright surreal. Either he will have to change his habit of shooting from the hip, or he will not last long in international diplomacy.

UPDATE: This story a day later suggests Egypt is a lot less patient about the appointment, and may boycott a ceremony marking 30 years after Camp David.

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