
Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Egypt, The Day After

The day after the big day in which not very much happened, the fizzled protest and nonexistent general strike set for yesterday (see yesterday's postings) is a topic of discussion in Egypt. The Arabist offers a review of how the main newspapers handled the story (ranging from glee on the part of the government papers to dismay on the part of the opposition). And here is a good analysis of what went wrong with the much-ballyhooed Facebook approach to revolution. But as The Arabist notes, the most talked-about story of the day is the Ayman Nour divorce story I posted about last night. The Al-Masry Al-Youm story breaking the news finally showed up last night (Arabic version here; English version here). My initial suspicion that this was a publicity stunt seems to have been wrong, though there are still some mysteries about it and Nour's public denials.

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