
Friday, April 3, 2009

Some Algerian Election Reading

Since there's really no doubt about the outcome of the Algerian election campaign I haven't been following it closely, but I'd like to point interested readers to several reacent postings on other blogs: The Moor Next Door has offered a useful update on Berriane, where Sunnis and Ibadis clashed earlier this year; in another post he looks at how the Tamazight (Berber) issue is being handled by Bouteflika and leftist Louisa Hanoune in their campaigns in Kabylie.

And Maghreb Politics Review picks up an interesting piece from Algeria's El Khabar which actually discusses and even shows a drawing of the rarely discussed and almost never seen "Toufiq," one of the most powerful of the old generals. (The original Arabic of the article is available through the El Khabar link above.)

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