
Friday, August 14, 2009

Friday Roundup

I was brief on my weekend reading post last Friday because I was out of town and on vacation, but the pickings are still a bit sparse due to the fact that nobody in their right mind is working in August.
  • NPR recently gave us (meaning The Middle East Journal) a bit of a plug by quoting Asher Kaufman, an Israeli scholar at Notre Dame, on the Ghajar issue; Asher has a major piece on Ghajar coming out in the Autumn issue of the Middle East Journal, so the NPR piece is good hype for us. The NPR link has both text and a podcast. I know of only two people in the world who understand the border issues in the Syria-Lebanon-Israel border region: Asher Kaufman and Fred Hof, currently George Mitchell's man on the scene. There may be somebody at the UN, but those are the only two people I know who've spent years on the subject. Asher apparently is now working on a book on the theme.
That's it for now.

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