
Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On the Eve of the Afghan Elections

I haven't said much about the Afghan Presidential elections, largely because it is getting covered elsewhere and I claim no expertise on the country, never having visited it. I've studied its history and followed events there, but others with far more experience than I are around to comment on it. Here's a Reuters rundown on the major candidates, though I get the impression that anyone but Karzai would be an upset, though Dr ‘Abdullah, the former Foreign Minister, may have an outside chance. Anyway, I'll cover it as needed when the results start to come in, but forgive me if I haven't said more about it up to now. I'm a lone blogger with a journal to edit, so I blog on what I know and defer to others when I don't. If my MEI colleague Marvin Weinbaum wants to volunteer something, I'll gladly open the blog to his contribution.

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