
Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Silly Season Continues: More Mermaid News

You may recall my post, "The Silly Season: Mermaids in Israel." The silly season just got sillier. From YNet News, Yediot Aharanot's online English news site, comes this report:
An American organization claiming to defend the rights of mermaids is threatening to appeal to the International Court of Justice in The Hague against the Israeli city of Kiryat Yam, after its municipality offered a $1 million prize to whoever could provide proof for the existence of a mermaid off the northern city's shores.

A letter received by the municipality over the weekend states that the organization, presenting itself as the Mermaid Medical Association in Brooklyn, New York, was shocked to hear about the prize offered by the city.

This offer, the organization said, "badly and outrageously damages the legendary mermaid legacy."
The Mermaid Medical Association of Brooklyn? I suspect the ICJ in the Hague has better things to do. At least I hope so.

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