
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

MEI 63rd Annual Conference Update

The 63rd Middle East Institute Annual Conference is scheduled for November 9 (Banquet) and 10 (Conference). I urge everybody around DC to consider it. The registration page is here, and "the program is here. There are always last-minute changes when you're dealing with VIP presenters, so keep checking those sites. We flipped Banquet Speakers in the last few days. Why do some key Middle East policy people sometimes find they have to cancel banquet speeches to, oh, I don't know, prevent war (or wage it) or something?

If you're near DC you really ought to be there. Hey, though the money doesn't immediately go to this blog (well, not only not immediately, but ever), helping MEI keeps this blog and all our other stuff going. But hey, it's always a good show.

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