
Monday, December 21, 2009

Conservatives Win in MB Guidance Council Elections

The conservative wing of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood has carried the internal elections for the Brotherhood's Guidance Council, with some key reform figures (though not all) failing to win seats. Marc Lynch has a good summary, and Khalil Anani has some older background on the internal rivalries at his English blog, though nothing as recent on his Arabic blog. Here's the official announcement from Ikhwanweb (link is sluggish for some reason), the Brotherhood's official English website. Here's a straight news account.

The next big question is who the new Supreme Guide (literally, General Guide) will be. Mahdi ‘Akef declined to run again, starting a succession debate and creating considerable factionalism. I'll try to write more at some point.

Later: for the Arabic readers, the Al-Masry al-Youm article on the "White Revolution" in the Brotherhood. And their English site for their take on the same story.

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