
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Antiquities Trade Changes in Egypt? Hawass Threatening to Quit?

Ahmad ‘Izz, a senior official of Egypt's ruling party (and a key ally of Gamal Mubarak), has reportedly proposed a law permitting greater trade in antiquities within Egypt. This Al-Masry al-Youm article (in Arabic) claims that in response, both Farouq Husni, Minister of Culture, and Zahi Hawass, Secretary General of the Indiana Jones Hat, are threatening resignation because it would encourage tomb robbing and other activities that could lead to Egyptian antiquities leaving the country.

This may well be Al-Masry al-Youm in its tabloid mode. Certainly Egypt isn't going to provoke Zahi Hawass to resign since all those History Channel/Discovery Channel/National Geographic programs bring lots of tourists. And I'm not seeing this elsewhere yet. Thought I'd bring it to your attention anyway.

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