
Thursday, January 7, 2010

Still More on Nag Hammadi

I certainly don't want to inflame sectarian divisions, but as more comes out about Nag Hammadi (strictly speaking I should be writing it Nag‘ Hammadi) I'm passing it on; the Gaza confrontations are being covered everywhere; this isn't.

According to this English report in Al-Masry al-Youm, Bishop Kirollos of Nag Hammadi has said he had previously received a message on his cell phone saying "it is your turn." The same article says this is the second-bloodiest sectarian bloodshed, after the 2000 massacre in Kosheh, in Sohag Governorate.

Nag Hammadi is in Qena Governorate, as is the town of Farshout where violence led to the burning of many Coptic shops a few weeks ago after allegations of the rape of a Muslim girl by a Copt.

Meanwhile I should note that Gamal Mubarak attended Christmas eve services at the Coptic Cathedral of Saint Mark last night. Mubarak used to go himself (a practice I believe Nasser started), but lately Gamal has been the designated figure, which may be why Pope Shenouda keeps virtually endorsing his succession.

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