
Sunday, February 7, 2010

The Ayalon-Prince Turki Handshake

We're still digging out here from the big storm and the Federal Government (and MEI which follows the Feds) will be closed tomorrow, though I'll be posting here. First though, in case you missed it, one of the big subjects of discussion in the region is the handshake at a security conference in Munich between Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Dany Ayalon and Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal (former head of Saudi Intelligence, former Ambassador to London, former Ambassador to the US — and he was a year ahead of me at Georgetown). Here's Ha'aretz here, Kuwait's Al-Qabas here, Jerusalem Post here, and Prince Turki's explanation of the handshake to the Saudi Arab News here.

It's in the first six or seven seconds of this YouTube video; Turki is obviously seated in the front row and Ayalon is on his way to join the panel.

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