
Friday, April 16, 2010

Alive and No Gray Hair Yet: Mubarak Reappears (Briefly)

From Al-Ahram today (in an article about raising government salaries), Mubarak's meetings with Field Marshal Tantawi and some members of the Cabinet yesterday in Sharm al-Sheikh.

The first thing to note is that, a couple of weeks short of his 82nd birthday and after a lengthy convalescence from surgery, his hair is still black.

I've been searching for video (I've read that state TV showed about a minute of video but haven't found anything linkable.) Anyway, yes, he lives. And he has blacker hair than any of his ministers. (Though Tantawi, at 74, may be hitting the shoe polish or Grecian Formula a bit, too.)

(And yes, it's possibly sour grapes since I'm snow white at 62, but Mubarak's pushing this beyond the credibility horizon.)

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