
Friday, June 25, 2010

Demonstration for Khaled Sa‘id

UPDATE: More at the #khaledsaid hashtag on Twitter. Aida ElBaradei is the name of ElBaradei's wife, and shows up as one of those tweeting.

There was a demonstration today in Alexandria for Khaled Sa‘id, the young Egyptian reportedly taken from an Internet cafe and beaten to death by police. (My earlier post on the subject here: since then, the government has reportedly "investigated," and despite the photos that clearly show severe beating, they continue to attribute his death to drug consunption.) The demonstration, at the Sidi Gaber mosque (a small mosque to discourage large crowds), was visited by Mohamed ElBaradei, Ayman Nour, and other opposition figures. There is clearly real public anger about this, but if anyone was expecting a march on the Bastille, it didn't happen.

Some YouTube video:

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