
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

"Garbage Dreams": Film About Cairo's Zabbalin

We've talked a few times about the Zabbalin, Cairo's Coptic trash collectors who suffered badly from last year's swine flu related pig cull/mass hamicide, since they raised pigs in the garbage dumps and saw most or all of them destroyed. They're an intriguing subculture, and have attracted attention from time to time from students of the city, including this MEI publication from 2008. A new documentary film on them and their story is getting a great deal of attention so I thought I'd provide some links.

Ursula Lindsey at The Arabist has reviewed the film Garbage Dreams for The National, which includes some information I didn't know about their history and origins, and in a post at The Arabist has also included an interview with the Director, Mai Iskander. The Arabist's Issandr El Amrani already reviewed the film here. And of course, there's a Facebook page. The film's website is here. you can order a DVD here, and here's the trailer, with subtitles:

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