
Monday, September 13, 2010

Egyptian Papyrus found in Irish Bog

Longtime readers may recall my post of Saint Patrick's Day 2009 on the "Irish-Egyptian connection," the faint traces of early links between Coptic and Irish Christianity. Well, the traces may not be so faint any longer: a psalter dug up in an Irish bog, though written on vellum, has an Egyptian leather cover with a papyrus lining. It dates from the eighth century.

I won't say "I told you so." Oh, wait, I guess I just did.

[Correction: for most of the day this said "dug up in an Irish blog." Freudian slip: an Irish bog.]

1 comment:

  1. They say, and who am I to contradict them, that Newgrange was the prototype for Giza.

    Perhaps, the Celts not only saved civilization but also invented it.

    Highland Celts, perhaps?
