
Friday, September 24, 2010

"Expressive" Photos Sweep the World

AL-Ahram has now explained its now-infamous Photoshop of Mubarak leading Obama et. al. as an "expressive" photo expressing the role of Egypt leading the way to peace. Egyptians and others have been having more fun with their own expressive photos. I already linked to the first wave of these parodies, but they're proliferating. What Al-Ahram may have intended as simple sycophancy has now turned to widespread ridicule, and I doubt if the President is pleased.

But there's a lot of creative folks out there. For example, a Spanish site here has him running with the bulls at Pamplona:

And, while my Spanish is a little rusty, this must be a photo from Mubarak's youth:

Zeinobia has collected several from the Internet and Facebook, and you can find all of them here, but the one reproduced below is particularly pungent I thought. Yes, that's Gamal on the tricycle. Click to enlarge.

And on that note, have a great weekend.

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