
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Peter Gubser, 1941-2010

I was saddened to learn of the passing of my old friend Peter Gubser after a battle with cancer. For 29 years, Peter was President of American Near East Refugee Aid (ANERA), working with Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and Gaza, Jordan and Lebanon. Academically, he was a specialist on modern Jordan and Lebanon, trained at AUB and Oxford, though in retirement, he turned to an earlier period, writing a book on Saladin. Long prominent in the community of Middle East hands here in DC, Peter was also a great resource for anyone dealing with Jordan or the West Bank, and a great conversationalist. He will be missed, and my condolences are with his wife Annie and his children and grandchildren.

John Duke Anthony remembers him here. An Arab News appreciation here.

UPDATE: ANERA's appreciation here. I understand something will appear in The Washington Post tomorrow.

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