
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Shenouda: Apology? What Apology?

Sorry to be so all-Egypt all-the-time this week, but now Coptic Pope Shenouda III, after his apology to Muslims and criticism of Bishop Bishoi, now is saying that he didn't apologize, he merely expressed his regret that Muslims had been offended. (I guess "I'm sorry" is no longer considered an apology?)

I think what's happening here is that Shenouda was widely criticized by Copts for apologizing and seeming to kowtow to Muslim pressure. So now he's saying he didn't apologize, though it sure sounded like it. (Expressing regret and sorrow usually constitutes an apology.)

So now Bishoi has embarrassed not only the Church but the Pope himself, put Shenouda on the defensive, as well as offending al-Azhar and Muslims in Egypt generally. Not to mention having already offended Catholics and Eastern Orthodox.

His earlier comments that the Gospels provide support for Husni Mubarak may help him somewhat, but I think Bishop Bishoi's position as what the Italians would call a papabile, a credible candidate for the next Pope, are fading fast. Of course, I'm neither a Copt nor an Egyptian, and may well be wrong.

And since I characterized the Pope's remarks as an apology in my earlier post, I guess I should apologize, express my regrets.

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