
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Egypt Round Two Final Results

Here are the supposedly final numbers:
The final results showed that the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) swept the polls — winning 420 out of 508 seats in the PA— while Al-Wafd won six seats, Al-Tagammu won five and the Democratic Peace Party and the Muslim Brotherhood won one each. Sixty-nine independent candidates, not including the MB candidate who also ran as independent, won. One Al-Ghad member had won a seat in the first round even though the party had boycotted the elections.

According to the SEC, the runoffs had a 27-percent voter turnout of 29,109,107 registered voters. Of the 65,298 ballot boxes, 257 or 0.4 percent were invalidated, according to the SEC. The results of four seats were invalidated, making the total elected seats 504 rather than 508.

If, as usual, most of the independents promptly join the NDP, the opposition will have only the narrowest of toeholds in the People's Assembly.

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