
Friday, December 10, 2010

Weekend Historical Videos: Anwar Sadat

I've posted about Anwar Sadat several times, most recently and fully on October 6, the anniversary of his launching of the 1973 war and, eight years later to the day, of his assassination. Today for my Weekend Historical Videos, I've again raided YouTube for some weekend clips for you. The first three clips show the trip to Jerusalem through the Camp David accords; the last two are of the Sadat assassination. Unfortunately I couldn't find a good (free) clip in English, for the Jerusalem trip. There are some English segments where Sadat and Begin are speaking in English, but the narrative is in Hebrew (and my Hebrew is rudimentary at best, which is a gross exaggeration even then), while Sadat of course is speaking Arabic. But even so, I think you'll get a lot of the gist.

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