
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Some Egyptian Nostalgia, Via Zeinobia

Zeinobia, the Egyptian blogger whose Egyptian Chronicles blog I frequently cite, is a great fan of nostalgic photos and videos, and has found a few nostalgic gems. First, from Al-Geel magazine (The Generation; I gather a youth magazine) from about 1956, in a feature on young Egyptians called "Remember this name," young Suzanne Thabet, age 15:

The student at St. Claire School likes ballet and detective stories. Not knowing the magazine or the feature, I don't know how often "Remember this name" earned its title, but this time it did. If you don't recognize the  name Suzanne Thabet, she was the First Lady of Egypt for the past 30 years.

I thought I knew the Mubarak era pretty well, but I'd never seen this picture before:

The rank insignia is a bit blurry but it may be that of an Air Force Major General, or perhaps just a Brigadier; anyway, it's the young Mubarak shaking hands with Nasser. I'm amazed we didn't see more of this picture through the years.

Mubarak on the right; Gen. Mohammed Fawzi center, after the 1967 Six-Day War.

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