
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Spring 2011 Middle East Journal

Time to earn my paycheck by plugging the day job. The Spring 2011 issue of The Middle East Journal is now online. Subscribers should already have (or soon have) their hard copy issues, but the online access is here. (For subscribers wishing to access the electronic edition, instructions are here. You can find information about subscribing here. Non-subscribers can purchase individual articles for a fee.)

The articles (click through to read the abstract or order a download copy if you're not a subscriber) are:

Two articles on Syria, accepted long before the current events, but essential background:
And two articles on issues in Israeli society:
  • William F. S. Miles, "Border Pedagogy in Israel." A study of geography texts and atlases and how they reflect the ambiguity about borders.
And an addition to the historical record:
And of course, as always, our Book Reviews cover the field, with a main review article by Neil Caplan dealing with books on competing narratives of the Holocaust, while our Chronology continues a record begun in 1947.

You can buy individual articles or the whole issue at the site, but you'll save money money by subscribing or joining MEI, which includes online access and downloads.

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