
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Egypt Sets Presidential Election Date

I know the posting has been heavily skewed toward Egypt this week, but stuff keeps happening there. The election dates for the long-awaited Presidential elections have finally been set: Nominations open March 18 and run for 10 days. official campaigns run April 30-May 21. Egyptians abroad will vote for seven days beginning May 11, presumably through consulates as was done for Parliament. Elections May 23rd and 24th; with first round results announced May 29;  runoffs June 16 and 17; results announced June 21. So technically the promise to hold elections "before the end of May" is kept, though we still won't know who won until late June. (Unless one candidate wins 50% in round one, which seems improbable unless the votes are counted as they wee under Mubarak.) More here.

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