
Thursday, October 4, 2012

A Piece by Ruhi Ramazani Marking 60 Years at UVA

The University of Virginia's veteran Middle East scholar R.K. Ramazani has a new piece in the University of Virginia Magazine called "The Dilemma of US-Iranian Relations: Reflections on a Life's Work." He was asked to write it on the occasion of his marking 60 years of association with UVA. Appropriately, the article is not just a reminiscence, but an analysis of the problems plaguing US-Iranian relations.

Ramazani, Edward R. Stettinius Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs at UVA and a specialist on Iranian foreign policy, has almost as long a history with the Middle East Institute and The Middle East Journal, and he has been not only a friend and supporter, but at various times has served on MEI's Board of Governors, and the Journal's Board of Advisory Editors. He first published in the Journal in the 1950s, and most recently in 2004. He asked if I would share his article with colleagues at MEI, but he and the University of Virginia Magazine have graciously agreed to share it with my readership as well.

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