
Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Couple of Crucial Days Ahead in Egypt?

Tomorrow is January 25, the second anniversary of trhe Egyptian Revolution, the beginning of the 18 days of demonstrations that brought down Husni Mubarak. That could create tension, but a more dangerous scenario is building for Saturday,the date set for the trial in the deaths of soccer rioters in Port Said nearly a year ago. Egypt's Ultras, the hardcore soccer support groups who have become a wild card in street demonstrations, are incensed by rumors that the case will be postponed; the Ultras Ahlawy, supporters of the Ahly team, have already been demonstrating, at the stock exchange, blocking Metro stations, etc,, and are threatening something more on Saturday.

While the Ultras are hard to categorize ideologically,except perhaps anarchist-style rebels against all authority, they are  certainly a destabilizing factor and one that is a wild card of sorts in the current constellation of forces. The anniversary tomorrow combined with the Ahlawy Ultras' threats for Saturday could lead to a new outburst of violence over the next couple of days. I hope I'm wrong.

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