
Friday, January 3, 2014

Another Bloody Friday in Egypt

Egypt has had another bloody Friday, the bloodiest in a couple of months, as conflict with Muslim Brotherhood supporters intensifies in the last two weeks before the constitutional referendum. officially 11 dead and over 50 injured; higher numbers from the Brotherhood.

The next two weeks will be violent; the question is whether it subsides or intensifies after the referendum, the outcome of which seems foreordained.

With much less Sturm und Drang, Tunisia is also hoping to adopt a new constitution this month. I must say more about that soon.

1 comment:

  1. Just what sort of democracy would it be if the people (or some of them) were allowed to demonstrate and criticize the all-knowing and very dear leader's policies?

    Thanks be to God that our brave and wise General is not going to let that happen in Egypt.
