
Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Sisi and His Cabinet: A Quick Take

Sisi swore in his first Cabinet today, mostly the old one; of the changes former Ambassador to the US Sameh Shoukri replacing Nabil Fahmy (also a longtime envoy to Washington) as Foreign Minister is the biggest news, which I'll analyze separately. A fuller analysis for now, here.

Just some quick comments, not a drill-down analysis: Sisi kept Ibrehim Mehleb (to Sisi's right, viewer's left), and most of his Cabinet. As I have noted, Mehleb is as fallul as they come. To Sisi's left, in the only uniform, is Defense Minister Sidqi Subhi, a longtime ally of Sisi's. To his left is Interior Minister Muhammad Ibrahim. Note that both he and Sisi are standing at military attention despite business suits: they are the invisible uniforms in the picture.

Four women: not bad in the Arab world. Only one in  hijab, and she in a stylish, colorful one. One cleric in clerical garb for religious affairs.

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