
Thursday, June 16, 2016

Another Round of Surgery

As I posted before, I spent Memorial Day weekend in the hospital due to foot surgery. The infection has persisted, accounting for my sparse blogging, and tomorrow I will go in for another surgery to remove the infected toe and adjacent bone. I hope to resume regular blogging soon.


  1. Get well soon! Your insight has been sorely missed.

  2. I was going to email you, but your site said you prefer blog comments. I wish you well and a speedy recovery. I very much enjoy and profit from following your blog, even when I may disagree on certain issues. Best wishes.

  3. Frequent reader, sparse commenter: Your blog is a wonderful source for historical info I wouldn't otherwise see and interesting looks at current affairs which I greatly enjoy. I wish you a speedy recovery.

  4. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

    Your blog and comments provide an invaluable insight into the ME.

  5. Missing you, Mike. Let us know when you can identify a counterpart to Donald J. Trump from a chapter of Middle East history.
