
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Abu Aardvark Joining Abu Muqawama at CNAS

Marc Lynch announced today that he is going to be a non-resident senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security in addition to his roles at George Washington University and Foreign Policy. CNAS, already characterized by some as the house think-tank of the Obama Administration, (also see here) is becoming Middle East blogger central as well; Lynch (who started his blogging career as "Abu Aardvark" before moving to Foreign Policy's blogsite) now joins Abu Muqawama among the bloggers at CNAS. As he puts it at the post already linked:
I feel that we have finally achieved a harmonic convergence with a genuine Axis of Abus: putting Abu Aardvark and Abu Muqawama in the same place at the same time... it ain't nothin' but a blogger party.
Congratulations from one of the newer bloggers in the field (though, alas, not one of the younger ones) to one of the pioneers.

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