
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer Issue of The Middle East Journal

The Summer Issue of The Middle East Journal is now online. Subscribers may access it at the Ingenta Connect website; if you haven't previously set up an account you'd need your member number (from the mailing label if you subscribe the hard copy; online-only subscribers should have received one when they set up their account.)

There are articles on electoral issues in Egypt (women voters) and Morocco, and three articles looking at various aspects of Qatar: the dynamics of royal politics, expatriate labor, and relations with Israel.

The articles are (you can read the abstract at the link; nonsubscribers can buy the article online):
Our lengthy book review section leads off with a review by called "Bridging the Divide: US Efforts to Engage the Muslim World," Mona Yacoubian of the US Institute for Peace reviews two recent books by Juan Cole and Emile Nakhleh on engaging the Muslim world.

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