
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I Guess I'd Rather Be in Colorado: Light Posting this Week

Beginning soon after this appears I'll be off to the airport for a week in Colorado Springs visiting in-laws and renewing my daughter's familiarity with the Rockies; she was last there at four and a half and now she's nine, a big difference, so I'll be a bit busy during the days.

On the other hand, since I haven't been able to shanghai persuade a colleague to guest-blog (funny how hard it is to find anyone in DC the first week of August), I will continue to post. Today (Tuesday) and next Tuesday will be spent in airports, on airplanes, and at the gentle mercy of the TSA, but in between I'll have a laptop, wi-fi at the hotel and such, and will post once or twice a day if I have anything to say. The hours may be odd (late nights, mornings, whatever), but I don't plan on silence. So please stay tuned and drop by from time to time, but don't be surprised if posting is lighter than usual.

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