This blog started in January and the comments have been slow to build, but I'm gradually getting a number of interesting comments. Sometimes, such as now when I'm on vacation, my commenters are doing my work for me. A case in point: My post about the Qatar coup rumors: a genuine comments thread is emerging as several commenters, most of whom seem to be expats in Doha, are debating the issue.
Given the sensitivity of the various Middle East disputes and the sometimes looniness of anonymous Internet commenters, I'm delighted I haven't drawn any major flame wars and am now beginning to get some really constructive and informative comments. We started out with a completely open comments policy, knowing we might have to restrict it to registered users if it got too crazy. It hasn't, so it stays wide open. Take a look at the Qatar thread, and keep it going, commenters. It makes it easier for me to not feel guilty on vacation.
Earlier, the post on China and the Middle East drew extensive comments from a well-informed commenter who is also an old friend, and the comments there are better than the post. The blog is doing better in some ways than than I might have anticipated, but if the comments really become an attraction as well, it will be a real force multiplier. My readers seem to have a lot of country-specific expertise, so keep it coming.
Oh, and the day after I left town, my RSS subscriptions jumped by about 30 new subscribers. Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? Should I go away more often?
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