
Thursday, October 8, 2009

On the Goldstone Report

Except for remarks in passing about the Palestinian Authority's and Israel's wrangles over the Goldstone Report, I haven't expressed any opinions about the Goldstone Report. Why not?

Many of you are probably aware of the acronym RTFM in computer jargon, which stands for "Read the [censored] Manual!". Well, you see, the Goldsone Report is 452 pages long, and I have both a job and a blog, and I don't want to judge it based on somebody else's precis. And my leisure reading tends to be on non-Middle Eastern subjects. So I thought it might be useful, for those who want to argue the merits, pro or con, of the Goldstone Report: here it is. Have fun. I doubt if I'll have time to get to it soon, but I'm not going to denounce it or canonize it, either one, unread, or just based on the summaries.

1 comment:

  1. There is an interesting comment to the Goldstone report in an Israeli blog:
    It shows that Palestinians are still very keen to cash in on this one-sided report.
