My previous post was originally lighthearted, but things have gotten ugly. Apparently the Algerian team's bus was attacked with bricks after leaving Cairo airport; quite a bit of the story is here. Apparently three players were injured and FIFA is warning Egypt and considering sanctions; and here's an Al-Jazeera video of the bloodied team:
More dramatic video (unembeddable though so you have to go there) and BBC story here.
What happened to the Algerian football team in Egypt is simply unacceptable! How can Egyptians treat their guests in such a way is simply qualified by a crime. If any person who was attacked in a such way would contacted the police or their embassy, how about a national team who came to play a football game. The Egyptian behaviour is simply savage. The Algerian football team came to play a football game but Egyptians turned it to a war!! Egypt has a long history of bad behaviour. They proved one more time that they have to sport spirit. They ashamed their country and their team. I admire Algerian football team because despite the suffer they went through (it didn't stop at the attack, there were many other harrasements suring their stay in Cairo), they managed to play a clean and professional game while Egyptians continue to play the role of ''bad'' boys. FIFA should sanction Egypt for such a savage actions, they must be a model for any nation who want to use any low class ways to win. It is simply very very sad.