
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mubarak's Return: Everyone in Cairo Goes to Sharm al-Sheikh

Here's video of Mubarak arriving at Sharm al-Sheikh yesterday. Did the last person out of Cairo remember to turn off the lights? It looks like everybody was at Sharm. The Sheikh al-Azhar, the Coptic Pope (side by side), the Government, the Party, the military commanders. Not sure I saw the PM so perhaps he stayed behind, but the camera mostly stays on Mubarak. [I just remembered PM Nazif was at the Arab League Summit in Libya.]

He seems a little shaky on his feet in the video, but he's walking without aid (Suzanne not even holding his hand coming down the steps), so the more dire suspicions should be disproven.

A Further Thought: At least the way this clip is edited, he seems to have more of a conversation with Pope Shenouda than anybody else. An attempt to show Copts aren't second class citizens? Or just two octogenarians talking about their latest health problems?

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