
Monday, July 12, 2010

IDF Said Ready to Blame Navy for Flotilla Raid Errors

Ha'aretz this morning is reporting that the IDF is going to be extremely critical of the Navy for the Gaza flotilla raid, in part because they were insufficiently prepared for resistance, not to mention the fact that the senior official on the scene at the Military Command Center in Tel Aviv when the operation began was the IDF Chief of Operations, with both the Chief of Staff and rhe Deputy Chief arriving only after things began to go sour. (Yes, Israel initiated a combat operation on the high seas against a vessel carrying a friendly flag, Turkey's, with neither of its key commanders on scene.)

The Navy has long been Israel's least prestigious service and it looks like they may take considerable heat for trhe mess this turned into.

While we await General Eiland's official findings on the botched raid, I think it may be worth repeating the graphic Andrew Exum posted right after the event:

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