
Thursday, September 2, 2010

Saad Ibrahim Clarifies Position

Saad Eddin Ibrahim has issued a statement through his Ibn Khaldun Center website "clarifying" his position on the succession following extensive criticism in opposition circles of his signing the proxy for Gamal Mubarak. It includes the following (emphasis is in the original):

While I uphold the right of all Egyptian citizens to run for office, I have also made known my own personal preferences in terms of the currently announced and widely speculated potential candidates for the office of President. I have clearly stated my personal preference for Dr. Muhammad El-Baradei, as I believe he is the person most capable of leading the transition to democracy in Egypt. He is followed in this respect by Dr. Ayman Nour and others. Gamal Mubarak, however, is not on my own personal list of preferred candidates.
I'm not sure this will dampen the controversy, but it is fairly clear.

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