
Monday, April 18, 2011

Pesach/Holy Week/Great and Holy Week

Although Easter and Passover share a common origin, since Christians believe that Jesus was crucified at Passover, the feasts do not always coincide closely. Or, more precisely, the eastern and western divisions of Christianity do not agree on the date of Easter, Eastern Easter (oddly, using two Germanic words to define an eastern belief) coincides more closely with Passover than Western (Latin and Protestant) Easter does. But every few years, everybody comes together. This is one of those years. As a result yesterday was Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday for Christians East and West, and sundown tonight marks the beginning of Pesach or Passover for Jews. I wish all my readers who adhere to any of those traditions season's greetings anyway, whether or not you believe this night is different from all other nights.

The coming week will be Passover for my Jewish readers, and Holy Week or Great and Holy Week for my Western and Eastern Christian readers (respectively: also Pascha Week for the Copts).Although Easter and Passover share a common origin, since Christians believe that Jesus was crucified at Passover, the feasts do not always coincide closely. Or, more precisely, the eastern and western divisions of Christianity do not agree on the date of Easter, Eastern Easter (oddly, using two Germanic words to define an eastern belief) coincides more closely with Passover than Western (Latin and Protestant) Easter does. But every few years, everybody comes together. This is one of those years. As a result yesterday was Palm Sunday or Passion Sunday for Christians East and West, and sundown tonight marks the beginning of Pesach or Passover for Jews. I wish all my readers who adhere to any of those traditions season's greetings anyway, whether or not you believe this night is different from all other nights.
The coming week will be Passover for my Jewish readers, and Holy Week or Great and Holy Week for my Western and Eastern Christian readers (respectively: also Pascha Week for the Copts).

I even send my greetings to those who only believe in bunnies, chocolate eggs, and whatever strange substance Peeps are made from. Chag Pesach Sameach. Happy Easter. Christos Anesti. Al-Masih Qam PiKhristos Aftonf. (Hint: Last one’s Coptic. Figure the rest out for yourselves.)

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