
Friday, August 12, 2011

New MEI Publication on Arab Revolutions

Since yesterday marks six months since the fall of Husni Mubarak, MEI is using it to release its newest Viewpoints collection (the first of three dealing with Arab Spring), "Revolution and Political Transformation in the Middle East: Agents of Change."

The contributions are:
  • The Power of Strategic Nonviolent Action in Arab Revolutions, by Stephen Zunes
  • The Real Force Behind the “Bad Year for Bad Guys," by Srdja Popovic and Kristina Djuric
  • Yemen’s Spring: Whose Agenda?, by Charles Schmitz
  • The February 17th Revolution in Libya, by Ronald Bruce St John
  • An Egyptian Summer, by John Jackson
  • Egypt’s Revolutionary Elite and the Silent Majority, by Thanassis Cambanis
  • A “Cute” Facebook Revolution?, by Basem Fathy
  • The Syrian Revolution: The Role of the “Emerging Leaders," by Radwan Ziadeh

The above link is to the descriptive page. The full document in PDF is here.

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