Since many of those expressing an opinion know little about the man (and I know less), it may take some time to judge the choice, It was not, however, a dramatic stroke that unites the country in a difficult time. The headline at Egypt Independent's live blog, "Hesham Qandil Who?," seems best to capture the mood.
And note this, in Ahram Online's report:
On 15 July Kandil travelled with President Morsi to the African Union summit in Ethiopia. The trip sought to rekindle Cairo's relationship with its African neighbours after years of neglect under former president Hosni Mubarak.Egypt's relations with the other Nile Basin countries is certainly an issue, but did Morsi's traveling to Ethiopia with him win him the Prime Ministry?
Improving Egypt's relationship with the Nile Basin countries is one of President Morsi's priorities, according to his presidential programme.
Morsi became President 25 days ago, talking about what a US politician would call an intention to "hit the ground running." It took nearly a month to choose a Prime Minister, and the primary response so far has been, "Who?" Perhaps he has not yet gotten his sea legs or, more likely, he finds himself caught between the generals of SCAF and the Guidance Council of he Muslim Brotherhood (his "resignation" from the Brotherhood on ascending to the Presidency is not, so far as I know, taken seriously by anyone at all).
How about he simply doesn't want a PM that outshines himself? The MB has currently got only the presidency to bring to bear on SCAF and public opinion, they won't want its influence diluted.