
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Algeria's Water Minister Named PM: Is This the New Trend, or What?

Algerian President Abdelaziz Bouteflika named Water Resources Minister Abdelmalek Sallal as Algeria's new Prime Minister yesterday. He replaces veteran Prime Minister Ahmed Ouyahia. The appointment ends a period of uncertainty since the Parliamentary elections in May, after which no new government was announced.

You may recall that Egypt's new Prime Minister, Hesham Qandil, was Water Resources Minister before he was named PM by President Morsi. Water is certainly important in the region, but when did this traditionally technocratic position become the route to the Prime Ministry? Is this a new fad? Morsi was new at his job, but Bouteflika is, well. rather experienced at this sort of thing,  to say the least. And Ouyahia has been a veteran figure. Water Resources: the New Road to Power?

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