
Friday, October 12, 2012

The Pyramids Have Changed a Lot Since 1575

So you think the Pyramids are a symbol of the unchanging past? Well, if you believe this view of "La Gran Citta Del Cairo" by Donato Bertelli (about 1575), they've changed quite a bit in the past  437 years.

Or, of course, maybe Signor Bertelli just couldn't draw Pyramids worth a damn.


  1. There is a long tradition of misinformation on the East disseminated in European maps and illustrations--Ptolemy well through the Renaissance. Italians emphasized ceremonial routes through the city. Busty Sphinx introducing Pyramids is great! Rosamond Mack

  2. Ros:

    In my snide comment on the pyramids I missed the sphinx!

    Remedied now:

    And to think, we've spent so much time wondering how it lost its NOSE!
