
Thursday, December 6, 2012

Sorry to Be Late on the Really Important News

You know, I'm just one blogger. When Egypt is plunging again into political violence, when Bashar al-Asad is mixing his Sarin precursor chemicals, as Damascus is burning, when Israel is opening up settlement in the E-1 corridor and so much else is happening, it's little wonder I miss some of the major stories. I know I was late on such really important stories as Kim Kardashian's Excellent Bahrain Adventure, but I feel particularly remiss that I dealt with an American tabloid star famous for, well, being famous, and have failed to comment for a month about the major news of the Arab world's reigning tabloid queen; Lebanese singing diva Haifa Wehbe. A month ago she announced that she and her most recent husband, an Egyptian, had divorced. We've mentioned Haifa here before, and of course regret the end of any marriage. Nor do we believe the story that her husband has political ambitions and found her the wrong sort of wife for the Muslim Brotherhood era. I mean, Haifa reportedly recently became a grandmother for the first time. How could even the Muslim Brotherhood object to a Lebanese grandmother?

OK, it's true she's not everybody's Lebanese grandmother.

Nor will we give any credence to gossip about semi-nude videos or curious behavior with the King of Bahrain,  since scurrilous rumors should not be spread about Lebanese grannies.

Tomorrow.we will return to the world of revolutions, oppression, Sarin gas warheads and the imminent expiration of the Mayan Calendar.

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