Tunisian Prime Minister Hamadi Jebali's
announced intention of dissolving the government and forming a technocratic cabinet has been rejected by his own al-Nahda Party, which says he doesn't habe the power to do it.
No one seems to know for sure if he does or doesn't; they're still writing the Constitution. But Jebali is al-Nahda's Secretary-General. Does this portend a split in the party, or will Jebali back down, or will the party?
Tomorrow there's a general strike in the offing. Things could go downhill fast, if these issues aren't resolved.
Tunisia has had a badly divided society for as long as I can remember. When I first went there in 1965 and the spent three years as a diplomat 1979-1982, the secular and francophone minority suppressed the traditional majority by preventing them from a political role and with restrictions against wearing hijab. Now, An Nahda and the salafis are getting even by suppressing expressions of secularism. Still have hopes that An Nahda will make more room in its political coalition for liberal and secular partners. If nothing else, Tunisia's economic future depends on it, and the workers and peasants will find a way to hold An Nahda accountable for their suffering. Just hope they do it at the polls and not by violence.