
Monday, June 3, 2013

Rami Hamdallah: The New Palestinian PM

Rami Hamdallah is the new Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority, replacing Salam Fayyad. Hamdallah has been serving as President of An Najah University in Nablus, and is a professor of applied linguistics. The PA is struggling with an economic crisis and his appointment has been criticized by Hamas, which claims it violates the agreement on trying to find a reconciliation between Fatah and Hamas. Haaretz called him "a good man on a suicide mission" today.

Choosing a respected academic not overly identified with the politics of Fatah is probably wise; whether he will face the same obstacles Fayyad encountered remains to be seen, and Fayyad at least had the advantage of being a favorite of the West and of Israel (which, in the end, turned out to be a disadvantage as well).

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