Sarah Carr is always a sharp observer of Egypt, and she has an excellent and balanced piece that addresses the deepening splits we have seen so visibly in today's bloodletting... The piece,
"On Sheep and Infidels," can be found at
Jadaliyya; it's also co-published with the relatively new and valuable
Mada Masr site. It may alienate some readers on both sides if the divide, As she says in her opening:
I voted for Mohamed Morsi in the second round of the presidential elections (to keep out Ahmed Shafiq).
I am one of the administrators of a blog called “MB in English”
that features English translations of awful statements of a sectarian,
conspiratorial, or bonkers nature that the Muslim Brotherhood (MB)
intends for domestic consumption only.
I am against army intervention in politics.
I state all this because Egyptian politics and society in general are
split along identity lines in a way that they have never been in the
last three years. This problem is so chronic that the merits or flaws of
an argument are almost entirely determined by who is making the
argument in a haze of fury and suspicion.
Read the whole thing,
Thanks for introducing me to Sarah Carr. Her article makes compelling reading, in good part because she manages to maintain objectivity about the events since June 30 despite her pre-June 30 sympathies. A refreshing change from the sanctimonious black and white comments I have been hearing from both sides.
ReplyDeleteShe's very good. She has a blog at and wrote for the now closed Egypt Independent. British father and Egyptian mother I gather, and she often complains of Egyptians who can't believe she's really a citizen.