Let's start close to home, with recent opinion pieces by colleagues here at MEI:
- Robert Ford for CNN, "How US Can Help Syria Drive Out ISIS,"
- Steven Simon at Foreign Affairs, "The Middle East's Durable Map."
- Wayne White at LobeLog: "Let's Keep ISIS in perspective."
- Michael Knights for the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point's CTC Sentinel: "ISIL's Political-Military Power in Iraq." (Summary here and full PDF here.)
- Multiple authors at the Woodrow Wilson Center: "Barbarians: ISIS's Mortal Threat to Women." (Summary here and full PDF here.)
- Paul Pillar at The National Interest, "ISIS in Perspective."
- Hisham Melhem, AlArabiya, "Enough Lies, The Arab Body Politic Created the ISIS Cancer."
- Gary Sick at POMEPS, "The Obama Doctrine."
- Joyce Karam, AlArabiya, "From Kissinger to Clinton, Conspiracy Theories Flourish in Lebanon."
- Theodore Karasik, Al-Arabiya, "Is it Time for Airtrikes on ISIS in Syria?"