
Friday, June 26, 2015

This Store's Marketing Department Could Use Some Diversity Training

I'm not sure where this photo was taken, but I don't think they have the right target demographic.


  1. Since the product contains no natural ingredients, it contains no pork. Just one more New Jersey Turnpike chemical additive. So, it's halal.

  2. No doubt true, but what if it's deep-fried in lard?

  3. A weird article to choose to say this on, but it is the most recent so it's as good as any other. I found your blog by googling around fruitlessly for pdf's on the African Romance language, I can honestly say that this is a treasure trove, thank you so much.

    It's like being felicitously trapped in the corner of a party by a knowledgable bore who seems to only want to go on about topics you find fascinating. Loved the piece about JB Kelly and the last generation of Empire.

  4. I've never found the author of this blog to be a "bore"


  5. And Beer Tester I hope you've checked out the multiple posts on classic Cairo bars.

  6. i consider both the previous comments before my own as compliments. I'm only boring till your trapped in that corner and heat what I'm saying. I hoe.
